Monday, January 14, 2008

Week 1 Day 2

These are the results of the 9 rep ladder routine we did on Wednesday. Below you will find the names of the exercises and the time it took to finish the exercises. Each of the first place finishers completed 45 repetitions of each exercise.

  6:00am 7:00am 9:30am
Lunges Jamie & Shirley 1min 48sec Gemma & Paul 2min 3sec Michelle & Chamie 2min 20sec
Squats Marthe & Arethea 2min 13sec Gemma & Paul 2min 31sec Tom & Debra 2min 16sec
Opposite Arm/leg Jamie & Shirley 1min 36sec


Lisa, Ondine, Maria

Gemma & Paul 2min 21sec

Hadiqua & Lesley 2min 13sec
Push Ups Marthe & Arethea 1min 23sec Gemma & Paul 2min 2sec Mary B. Laurie l. & Dr. O 2min 21sec
Hip Lifts Betsy & Kim M. 1min 43sec Lisa, Ondine, Maria 1min 55sec Tom & Debra 1min 41sec
Fire Hydrants Jamie & Shirley 1min 9sec Jane & Nicole 1min 30sec


Michelle & Chamie

Tom & Debra 1min 19sec

Chin To Knee Doris & Jean B. 2min Gemma & Paul 1min 53sec Hadiqua & Lesley 2min 36sec
Side Lunges Marthe & Arethea 1min 59sec