Day 1
This was test day, if you remember it was an individual effort and we did:
- push ups for 1 minute
- sit ups 1 minute
- 1/4 mile run for best time
- 5 station circuit 1 minute at each station
Everyone recorded their results so we can compare with our results on the last day of camp.
Day 2 the 9 repetition ladder (partner up)
- Bicep curl, overhead press
- chin to knee
- mountain climbers
- push up's
- hip lift's
- jump squats
- fire hydrants
- squat thrust/burpees
Day 3 It was an individual effort 3-4 rounds.
- walking lunges 20 reps
- jumping jacks 20 reps
- side step with lateral raise 20 reps
- opposite arm/leg 20 reps each side
- 1/4 mile run.
Day 4 120 reps 3 person teams
- walking lunges
- bicep curls overhead press
- MB front press and squat
Day 5 Deck of Cards
- spades- tricep extensions
- hearts- cherry pickers
- diamonds- plank
- clubs- walking lunges
Day 6 Dice Roll
- kettle bell swings
- squat & upright row
- SA touch row press
- agility ladder
- 1/4 mile run
- straight leg sit up's
Day 7 Smorgas Board
Cone Drills- high knees
- butt kicks
- side shuffle
- kareokee
- suicides
Ab/Core Drill 30 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest
- crunches
- hip lifts
- fire hydrants