Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Rep Your Sneaker Hood Pt. 3 Back To School Edition Video Contest

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Kissing Disease

Pucker up and get a handle on mononucleosis.

One of the most dreaded diseases of the teen years, mononucleosis (a.k.a. mono) can knock a young person out of school for days, weeks, or even months at a time. While nicknamed the "kissing disease," mono is not a status symbol anyone wants. So how can you keep your teens from winding up with this mouth-watering disease?

Read on to get the inside scoop on mono to find out.

Mouth to Mouth

For the most part, mono is passed via close contact and saliva. As kissing results in close contact and the exchange of saliva, dating puts your kids at increased risk for mono. But that doesn't mean you have to prohibit dating until they move out of the house. Because while it typically plagues teenagers, mono can affect kissers of any age or stage of life.

The most common cause of mono is the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). However, other viruses can result in the passing of mono. So if you want to totally protect your teen from the virus, you'll need to run a gamut of health tests on his or her potential boyfriend or girlfriend.

Lifelong Burden. Once someone is infected with mononucleosis, he or she carries the virus throughout life, putting others at risk for contracting the disease.

Sick and Tired

With mono, it's common for the tonsils and the lymph nodes in the front and back of the neck to swell. Additionally, your child may suffer a skin rash or his or her spleen or liver may hurt when pushed. But these signs are often only recognized after other telltale symptoms have been around a while.

Some of the symptoms that should cause you to suspect mono include the following:

  • nosebleeds

  • general drowsiness and fatigue

  • loss of appetite

  • coughing

  • headaches

  • feeling short of breath

  • sore throat

  • fever

  • chest pain

  • sensitivity to light

Get Over It

If mono is suspected, a couple medical tests are required for definitive diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is determined, mono treatment is rather unexciting. While it may be tempting to try out some newfangled treatments, the best-proven care for mono is to rest, drink lots of fluids, take over-the-counter medication for fever or pain relief, and gargle warm salt water to fight a sore throat.

In most cases, a mono-induced fever will go away within 10 days, while fatigue sticks around for a few weeks. Occasionally, however, mono can last for months at a time and has the potential to result in a ruptured spleen, bacterial infection of the throat, seizures, hepatitis, and other serious conditions. Hence why early diagnosis and treatment is critical.

Step Aside

Even better than lying around for a couple weeks while mono moves along is avoiding it altogether. Fortunately, avoiding mono is fairly simple. It just takes a little bit of awareness and willingness to follow common sense.

What can be done to sidestep mononucleosis? Never share drinks, food, or utensils with others - even if the person has never suffered from mono. Don't snuggle with or kiss someone who has suffered from mono-like symptoms in the last few days. And wash your hands regularly, no matter if you're hanging around the house by yourself or going out with friends.

When to Stop Waiting

In many cases of mononucleosis, patience is a virtue. Allowing the individual with mono to rest, while staying well hydrated, is usually all that is needed to overcome mono. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case.

If you or someone you love has mono and begins to experience abdominal pain, stiffness in the neck, a fever higher than 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit for several days, arm or leg weakness, breathing problems, or debilitating headaches, go to the doctor immediately. Doing so may prevent further, more dangerous complications.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Putting the Brakes on Gas

Clearing the air on this uncomfortable and odiferous condition.

It's embarrassing. It's painful. It's loud, quiet, odorless and overpoweringly smelly. It's also completely normal. In fact, the average Joe or Jo has the need to pass gas approximately 14 times every day - that's about one time for every hour you're awake.

Unfortunately, the normalcy of gas doesn't make it any more pleasant to experience. Feel that you release more gas than is normal, or wish you could cut your 14 episodes of flatulence a day down a bit?

Drink Different

One of the reasons you may be experiencing more gas than you'd like is your choice of drink. If you get lots of soda or other fizzy drinks in your daily diet, the bubbles may feel good going down, but they can also contribute to bubbles in your belly, which translate to gas and bloating.

Want to fix your liquid-based gas problems? Then you'll need to change your drinking ways. Instead of soda, go with good old-fashioned water. Or if you want to beef up your bones, grab a glass of milk. Just be careful, as being lactose intolerant can bring on the same gas, pains, and embarrassment you're trying to overcome.

Eat Right

At the same time you change your drinking habits, you may need to do the same with your food. Because as wonderful as a big, juicy hamburger may look, the grease and fat in it can easily lead to gas and gas pains. Ditto with your favorite Mexican dishes and a number of other foods. But to make your diet gas-proof, you'll need to pay attention to how your body responds to various foods. Once you determine what foods bring on gas, avoid them. Or get ready to gas it up afterward.

And in case you're wondering, your choice of food isn't the only factor determining whether your food will leave you breaking wind when dinner is finished. The speed at which you eat and how well you chew your food also factor into your level of gassiness. For minimum gas effect following a meal, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. This prevents you from the bloating and gas that result from ingesting excessive air while eating.

Let ‘Er Rip

While holding in gas may prevent a little bit of temporary embarrassment, it can eventually lead to some painful bloating. The result of not letting gas pass and instead building up in your intestines and stomach, bloating doesn't just make you feel fuller. It can also be painful. Depending on how long you keep the gas in, the pain can be a dull, manageable pain, or it can be sharp and severe.

Thankfully, all it normally takes to get rid of the pain is to relax and let the gas go its merry way. In the event you've been suffering gas pains that don't go away when you pass gas, a good bowel movement should do the trick. Having problems on top of the toilet? Eat foods that are rich in fiber and get plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to help your digestive tract empty out.

From the Top

Air bubbles that make their way inside your body don't always result in passing gas. Quite often, they force you to belch. Though not necessarily as embarrassing as flatulence and easier to cover up, burping at the wrong time can be catastrophic.

To reduce your likelihood of burping at all the wrong moments, try the following tips:

  • use over-the-counter antacids if you suffer from occasional, mild heartburn

  • don't chew bubblegum, suck on hard candy, or smoke cigarettes, as all of these activities result in you sucking down more belch-producing air

  • if you wear dentures, make sure they fit well so you don't wind up drinking down excessive air with your drinks and foods


Monday, August 29, 2011

Most Effective Exercises

Most Effective Exercises

During your exercise routine, you may find yourself wasting time and sitting around on occasion. At other times, you're focused and working nonstop. Whatever kind of day you're having at the gym, it's important that the exercises you perform do their job well. Otherwise, you could spend countless hours without ever getting the full benefit you seek.

To help your routines always leave you with results, be sure to include some of the most effective exercises ever created. Without further ado, please welcome the best exercises your body will ever perform.

# 5: Cross-Country Skiing

Pushing your entire body to its limits, cross-country skiing develops the muscles in nearly ever region of your person, while challenging your will to either grow stronger or die. As useful as cross-country skiing is, there is a downside: it is only possible in certain areas of the world and can't be replicated well in the gym. Because of this, cross-country skiing will never be top on the list.

Any Exercise Is Good Exercise. If you prefer to avoid the most effective exercises, don't give up on exercise altogether. After all, any exercise that doesn't hurt your body is better than no exercise.

# 4: Elbow and Toe Planks

Recommended by many and given the golden thumbs up by research, performing the plank exercise on your elbows and toes is an extraordinarily effective exercise. Working the back and abdominals and building endurance in both, planks will get your muscles in great shape, without you even having to move a muscle. If you're unfamiliar with planks, the first step is to get on the floor facedown. With your forearms resting on the ground, support your weight with your elbows and your toes. The rest of your body should be in a straight line, from your shoulders down to your feet. Try to hold the position for up to one minute and repeat three to five times. It may sound simple, but the burning sensation that accompanies this exercise tells another tale.

# 3: Squats

Coming in at number three are squats. Yes, they're old-fashioned, they don't require high-tech equipment, and they look kind of funny. In spite of this, squats are one of the best exercises available for your body. The benefit of squats comes because of the range of muscles the exercise works out. Whereas many weight-lifting exercises focus on a single muscle, squats pull in multiple leg muscles, including the various muscles in the buttocks, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

#2: Push-ups

Like squats, push-ups can build many parts of your body at one time. From your biceps and chest to your shoulders and triceps to your core, push-ups give your upper body a workout that cannot be matched by other more specific exercises. In the event you find regular old push-ups a little too elementary for your taste, you can always up the difficulty level by performing them with only one hand on the ground or by doing them in a handstand position, resting your feet on the wall overhead for balance. For an even greater challenge, have someone sit on your back while you perform push-ups.

#1: Walking

Taking the top spot of the most useful exercises you'll ever perform is the tried-and-true (and rather simple) exercise of walking. Easy for beginners and beneficial for the healthiest of health nuts, walking gets your body moving and can result in the loss of as many as 500 calories during an hour-long walk. As if that weren't enough to convince you of its efficiency, walking can be done anywhere, any time, in any kind of weather. Simply provide the walking shoes and the will to get a little exercise, and walking will take care of the rest.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weather Update:

I hope everyone experienced minimum flooding and power outages during the storm. All camps were canceled on Sunday. We will resume camp on Monday August 29 in Memorial Park Maplewood.

Friday, August 26, 2011

It Does the Brain Good

Understanding the brain-tastic benefits of exercise.

Your chest gets bigger. Your heart works more efficiently. You feel better and enjoy improved confidence. But working at the gym doesn't just offer benefits to your physique. According to various sources around the globe, physical exercise offers some pretty impressive benefits for what is arguably one of your most important organs: your brain. In fact, some insist that the real benefits of exercise are how it affects your brain's ability to work - not the improved appearance of efficiency of your body.

What can a little exercise do for your noggin? Read on to find out.

Boost Your Brain Energy

Unless you're a superhuman, you've probably had some of those days during which your brain simply doesn't want to work. Did you know you can probably exercise your way out of these brain-dead moments? That's right. By getting the blood pumping in your body, you increase the blood flow in your brain, which helps it function better, ultimately getting your brain back on track to do all the thinking your life requires. Next time you feel your brain slowing down, skip the energy drink and do a few jumping jacks or push-ups.

Minimal Effort. Only want to do the minimum required to boost your brain's abilities? Go to the gym for 30 minutes three days a week. And make sure you sweat while you're there.

Jump the Funk

Ever been in a mental funk that keeps getting you down? Next time that happens, ask yourself when you last worked out. More than likely, it's been a while. Get your brain into happy gear and get out of your mental funk by hitting the gym. Otherwise, you'll be waiting for a good attitude to make its way to you. With a hard workout, you can essentially force your body to start producing happy vibes to your brain. So stop moping around and hit the gym. Your brain will appreciate the good vibes you send its way, and your overall demeanor will improve as a result.

Stop Being Anxious

When you have a lot going on and little time to take care of it, it's a natural response to be anxious. Unfortunately, anxiety does very little to help you get your to-do list completed. So why not kick the anxiety altogether with a trip to the gym? You may think you don't have time to run a mile or two on the treadmill, but doing so has the potential to get rid of your anxiety, which will ultimately help you complete your list of tasks with greater poise and skill than would have otherwise been possible.

Improve Concentration

It's not always easy to stay on task. With the many rabbit holes afforded by the Internet, your coworker who always has another joke to tell you, and your family wanting your attention for anything and everything, it can seem impossible to stay focused on a task until it is completed. With exercise, your brain is given the gift of focus. With each repetition in the gym, you have to constantly pay attention to form and technique, which translates to improved focusing ability elsewhere. Exercise also helps you get over the need to go do something, which is another way to improve your focus.

Grow Your Brain

Want to stimulate your brain to grow its processing abilities? Better build some exercise into your daily routine. While it is unclear exactly how it happens, researchers have found that exercise creates neurons in the brain.

Responsible for transferring information through your brain, neurons are most useful in large numbers. Therefore, growing more neurons via exercise gives your brain more ability to transmit and process information, giving you the upper hand when faced with tough questions or dilemmas that require right thinking.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prostate Cancer: The Everyman Disease

Men, have you ever wondered about your risk of getting prostate cancer? If you live long enough, it's 100 percent.

Compared to other cancers, prostate cancer is a slow-moving problem that can typically be dealt with in its earliest stages. In fact, it moves so slow that many people - health experts included - choose to ignore the condition altogether, opting for ignorance rather than treatment. Is this the stance you should take? Read on to find out.

Through the Ages

Like most conditions, prostate cancer is more likely to occur as you age. Some experts state that if men could live longer, each and every one of them would end up with a diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, it appears that every man would not benefit from prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests. During this test, a blood sample is taken from the prostate. If a high level of PSA exists, prostate cancer is likely and more tests are performed to determine whether cancer is indeed present.

While it has become a standard test for men, recent research has shown PSA testing may not be as useful as once thought. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force states that men over 75 years old suffer greater potential harm than protection through PSA testing. For men under 75, the research panel was doubtful that "treatment for prostate cancer detected by screening improves health outcomes compared with treatment after clinical detection."

In other words, getting screened for prostate cancer via PSA or other method doesn't seem to reduce a person's likelihood of dying from prostate cancer. However, these findings should not prevent a physician from making screening decisions until further research is performed.

Know the Signs! Are you suffering from frequent urination, a weak flow of urine, pain or burning during urination, bloody urine or semen, or painful ejaculation? It may be prostate cancer. Contact your physician today to ensure your health and well-being for years to come.

Consider the Options

No matter what brings a diagnosis of prostate cancer your way, it is important to know what treatment options are available, so you can make the best choice for your life and lifestyle. Here are the most likely ways your prostate cancer may be treated.

Watchful Waiting - Because prostate cancer grows at a very slow rate, it is common to watch the cancer and act only when it begins to increase in size. This option is often deployed in older men –especially those with other health conditions - whose prostate cancer is in the earliest stages.

External Radiation - Also known as traditional radiation, this entails aiming a beam of radiation at the cancerous prostate, killing the cancerous cells over a series of treatments. It requires the patient to visit the hospital or other cancer facility regularly, typically for a number of weeks.

Internal Radiation - In an effort to make prostate cancer treatment more manageable, internal radiation therapy was developed. With this treatment, small pellets of radiation are implanted into the prostate. These pellets slowly release radiation, killing cancerous cells as the patient goes about his daily life.

Surgical Intervention - For many cases of prostate cancer, surgery is a viable option. Options include complete removal of the prostate, partial removal of the prostate, and removal of the prostate and surrounding lymph nodes. Surgery is sometimes performed in conjunction with radiation therapy.

The Second Test

In addition to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing, it is commonly recommended that men over the age of 50 undergo a digital rectal examination (DRE) every year. During a DRE, the physician manually feels the male's prostate gland by reaching a finger (digit) through the anus. Any abnormal lump is noted and if necessary or desired, additional tests performed for a more conclusive diagnosis.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Surf Your Way Buff

Because exercise sometimes can be as fun as catching a wave.

There is nothing sweeter than catching a great wave. If only it could suffice for your exercise for the day. Good news: it can! Though you have to first take the immense amount of time to master surfing before you will be able to truly consider it exercise, surfing can give you a pretty good workout.

Here's a glimpse at what muscles you can strengthen while hanging 10.

Upper Body

The first step to surfing is to get to the waves. To do this, you're going to have to get your hands in the water and dig deep to push yourself to the site of the best surf. While you're in the process of getting to the waves, your upper body is taxed substantially. Your arms, back, and shoulders are all called upon to get to the hot spot, and if you're not in good shape, simply getting to the waves can be an exhausting activity. Once you're in good shape, this process will help you stay there.

Lower Body

Once you get to the waves, only half the battle is over. You now have to continue using your upper body strength to pull yourself into the wave and at just the right moment, you have to explode into a standing position. Though your arms will do much of the work, your legs are just as important. And once you're up, your legs will get a great workout, as they are responsible for keeping you upright in the often-rough waves.


Having a strong core is essential for surfing. If you don't have one yet, surfing will help you get there, as your core is constantly off balance. In fact, your body is forced to balance and rebalance itself the entire time you're out on your board. Whether you're paddling out to find a good spot, pushing it to get into the big wave, riding a world-record wave, or simply sitting upright on your board to check out the scenery or watch a pal catch a wave, your core will be worked the entire time.

Get Surf Strong

Want to be as ready as possible the next time you hit the waves? Try these exercises out to increase your strength in a way that will improve your chances of riding the big one like a pro.
Medicine Ball Coil and Jump: Holding a medicine ball overhead with your arms fully extended, stand with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees and then jump as high as you can, lifting your knees toward your chest as high as possible. When you land, do so softly, and then jump 14 more times. Repeat this set three times.

Dumbbell Shoulder Rotation: Grab a five-pound dumbbell in your right and left hand, as you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and raise your arms to either side until they reach shoulder level. Then, move your hands in a circular motion in a steady and controlled manner. After 20 circles, perform 20 more circles in the opposite direction.

Push-Ups on the Ball: Place your hands on the top of an exercise ball. Keep your hands about chest-width apart, but not so far that they'll slide off the ball. Straighten your upper body and legs until you are in push-up position. Slowly perform 15 push-ups, being careful to maintain proper balance throughout. Repeat three times.

Remember, surfing can be a good form of exercise, but you won't be able to surf properly if you don't already have the strength in place to do it right. So be sure to spend plenty of time in the gym before heading for the great, wet outdoors. This will not only help you stay strong in the surf, but will also keep you from developing only one side of your body, which can happen if surfing is your only form of exercise.


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When Diabetes Causes Depression

And you thought there was no cause for the depression you've been experiencing.

Just like love and marriage, peanut butter and jelly, and honey and Winnie the Pooh, diabetes and depression often stick together. Don't think that means you have to simply live with depression if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Rather, prepare to arm yourself with the knowledge needed to put depression in its place so you can put up the best possible fight against diabetes.

What It Looks Like

Everybody feels down now and then. Having an off day is expected - especially if you're living with diabetes, a condition that affects how you live every moment of every day of your life. But depression goes a bit further than an occasional bout of sadness. When you're depressed, you feel sad much of the time, and you also feel hopeless.

On top of these discouraging symptoms, depression often results in complete and utter exhaustion, making you want to do nothing but sleep the day away. Your ability to concentrate will also suffer, as will your ability to sleep well, and your desire to interact with others will plummet. Finally, at its worst stages, depression can cause you to begin thinking of hurting or even killing yourself. Seeking help well before you reach this stage will help you learn coping mechanisms no matter how bad life may seem.

How to Battle

Think you may be experiencing some diabetes-related depression? It will take a lot of will power, but you can beat it down. A good first step in dealing with depression that is brought on by diabetes is taking optimal care of your body. Since allowing your blood sugar to get too high or too low can trigger depressive episodes, carefully monitor your blood sugar levels at all times to ensure they won't wind up sending you in a downward spiral.

Once you get your blood sugar levels where they should be, you can't sit on your laurels in your bedroom all by yourself. You need to get out and get social. Find ways to socialize with your family and friends. They can help take your mind off all the bad aspects of living with diabetes and provide much-needed support as you strive to live a healthy life despite diabetes.

Another great place to go to win the battle against diabetes-induced depression is the gym. Spend at least 30 minutes three days a week working out, and watch your depressive symptoms fly away. Not only will you look better, but you'll have more energy, and your time in the gym will act as a way to work out all those awful thoughts that cause you to feel so bad about your diabetic state.

No matter how well you keep your diabetes and depression in check on your own, you can't do it all on your own. From the moment you learn you have diabetes or depression, you'll need to stay in contact with a healthcare professional with expertise in managing these conditions. The goal is to turn to your physician or other healthcare professional for new tips on maintaining good diabetic health. But if you begin to suffer diabetes-related depression or have other negative side effects of diabetes, contact your healthcare professional immediately. Your good health and good mood depend on it!

Other Way Around

The diabetes-depression path is not a one-way road. Just as diabetes often brings on depression, research has shown that individuals who suffer from depression are at increased risk from winding up with diabetes. Therefore, if you or someone you love deal with depression, seek professional help to prevent other health problems, such as diabetes, from setting in.


Monday, August 22, 2011

What's That Pain?

A short look at some of the scariest causes of pain.

No matter what kind of pain you're feeling, getting relief is probably your first priority. But before you can get relief, you've got to figure out what's causing it. Think it's something painfully dangerous?

Read on to find out if your pain is caused by some of the most dangerous and deadly conditions known to man!

Leg Pain. Does your leg start hurting suddenly for no cause? Is the pain accompanied by a warm feeling in the affected leg? Does it cause your leg to swell and turn red? If so, and if the pain is primarily felt in one leg and not the other, it may be caused by a blood clot in your leg, a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). In some cases, DVT doesn't just affect the legs. It can occasionally result in a blood clot breaking out of the leg and making its way to the lungs, causing a condition called pulmonary embolism. With DVT, the pain typically grows worse when standing or walking, and treatment ranges from blood-thinning medication to surgical intervention.

Foot Pain. If you've not stubbed your toe and you're feeling pains in your feet, it may be brought on by one of your worst nightmares: diabetes. With diabetes, diabetic neuropathy often sets in. A condition in which the nerves in your body suffer damage, neuropathy may bring about a burning, tingling, or numb feeling in your feet. You may also have severe and sudden pains shoot through your foot. Strangely, the condition is also often accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, urinary problems, and constipation. Additionally, diabetic neuropathy can affect other extremities, such as the hands.

Headaches. As any migraine sufferer can tell you, all headaches are not created equal. Some of them are signs of something much more dangerous than just a headache or a little bit of stress. A headache that brings about confusion, vision problems, and eyelid drooping may be reason to get to the nearest emergency department - especially if it's the worst headache you've ever experienced. Because it may not be a run-of-the-mill headache. It may be brought about by a blood vessel rupturing and bleeding in your brain.

Chest Pain. In case you've not heard, feelings of tightness, pain, fullness, pressure, or squeezing in the chest may be an indicator that you're suffering a heart attack. Other symptoms to look out for include feeling lightheaded and fatigued, vomiting, sweating, and experiencing pain in other areas of the body. Even if it's not a heart attack, chest pain may indicate lung disease, panic attacks, or gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) - none of which are pleasant to live with.

Stomach Pain. Doubling over in pain on a regular basis isn't normal. Unless you get food poisoning on a regular basis or have excessive gas, your stomach pain may indicate something more serious. From gall bladder disease and stomach ulcers to endometriosis and appendicitis, severe stomach pains can be a sign of all sorts of undesired conditions. Getting the pain checked out early on and getting appropriate treatment may be the only thing that prevents your condition from growing worse.

More Likely Causes

Don't think your pain is caused by a blood clot or heart disease? You're probably right. However, you still need to figure out what is causing it in order to get relief.

Some of the more common (and less frightening) causes of pain include the following:

  • stress

  • improperly fitting clothing (shoes, pants, neckties, etc.)

  • rotten or improperly cooked food

  • injury

  • muscle strains and sprains


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Get to the Bottom of Your Weight Gain

Natural weightloss remedy !

Why are the numbers on your scale climbing?

That is a valid and often frustrating question. And the answer isn't always sweet and simple.

"Any change in your life circumstances can produce changes in eating and exercise, which leads to weight gain," stated Edward Abramson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology at California State University, author of Emotional Eating.

So why has your weight increased? And, more importantly, what can you do about it?

1. Life's Fat Traps
A little addressed fact about weight gain is that everyone gains weight for different reasons. So often we hear about one-size-fits-all weight loss solutions that take little or no consideration of how the extra weight piled up in the first place. To experience true weight loss it is important to understand why you gained it in the first place.

Think back to the time in your life when your weight was just right. Were you in your teens? Your twenties? Or maybe your thirties? Picture yourself as you were at your ideal weight. Now when did things change? Was it a gradual addition of pounds that accumulated over a span of multiple years? Or did you gain it all at once? Check out the following weight gain triggers and determine which one is responsible for your plight.
  • College: The college years are some of the easiest for gaining weight. In fact, a recent study by Cornell University found that on average, college freshman gain about 0.5 pounds a week - almost 11 times more than the average weight gain among 17-and 18-year olds and almost 20 times more than the average weight gain among American adults.
  • Marriage: There's nothing like holy matrimony to encourage a barrage of calories to overtake your diet. Late night comfort snacks are always more enjoyable when you have someone to share them with—and who better than the person who pledged to stick by your side through sickness or health?
  • Pregnancy: Talk about a great time to gain weight! And we're not just talking about women here—most men admit that they gained ‘sympathy' pounds right along with their wife. Hormonal changes along with strong encouragement from everyone you know to indulge in anything their heart desires leave most pregnant women with a feeling of entitlement when it comes to food.
  • Career: Though you may not realize it, your career choice plays a major hand in your weight. Those who go from an active lifestyle to spending 8 hours a day behind a desk and another 2 hours commuting almost universally gain weight. Conversely, people who spend their 8 hours in constant motion find weight loss a natural byproduct of the job.

2. New Habits
Close your eyes and go back to the fat trap that triggered your weight gain. What changed in your lifestyle? To help sort things out, I've broken things down into two specific behavioral categories.
  • Eating Habits: Did your eating pattern change at this time in your life? If your weight gain occurred in college then maybe you went from eating 3 square meals to an all-you-can-eat buffet style cafeteria. Or if marriage was your weight gain trigger, then maybe you went from eating small meals to fattening comfort food. Pregnancy brings on the perfect environment for a change in eating habits. You go from eating normally, to eating ‘for two', to munching on your baby's snacks right along with him! Your job can also dictate your eating schedule. Long hours and early meetings may cause you to grab a donut or chips from the vending machine.
  • Activity Level: The second category that leads to weight gain is your activity level. Simply put, what kind of exercise were you doing before your life changing event and how does it compare to your current exercise regime? Chances are good that you were doing more exercise before your weight gain began—which means that you are doing less exercise today! Go ahead, think back to the exercises or physical activities that you used to do and compare them to your schedule today.

3. Your Transformation
You've figured out which fat trap in your life led to weight gain, and then narrowed down the exact behaviors that changed as a result, so this naturally leads us to a solution.

It's time to make a change.

Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will make you immune to all of life's fat traps.

Once you start working with me, those numbers on your scale will quickly change direction.

Say Yes to Good Fat

Avocados and almonds contain monounsaturated fat. This healthy fat has been shown to help target stubborn belly fat and lower your cholesterol levels.
  • Use avocado slices in your sandwich instead of mayo.
  • Get your healthy fat fix with a handful of almonds.

Spinach, Mango, and Red Quinoa Salad (with Chicken)

Crisp baby spinach blends with sweet mango, tender chicken and a sprinkle of red quinoa in this refreshing salad. Complete with your veggies, protein and wholegrain, this salad is a balance meal in and of itself.
Servings: 2

Here's what you need...
  • 2 cups baby spinach
  • 1 small carrot, shredded
  • 2 Tablespoons red onion, minced
  • 1/4 cup red quinoa, cooked
  • 1/4 cup ripe mango, diced
  • 1 cup cooked chicken breast, diced
  • 2 Tablespoons lowfat salad dressing (Newman's Own Low Fat Sesame Ginger Dressing)

  1. Place the spinach, carrot, onion, quinoa, mango, and chicken in a medium bowl. Toss with dressing.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 248 calories, 4.7g fat, 301mg sodium, 25.5g carbohydrate, 3.4g fiber, and 25.5g protein.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Reminder about your invitation from Carlos Sanchez


This is a reminder that on March 2, Carlos Sanchez sent you an invitation to become part of his or her professional network at LinkedIn.

Follow this link to accept Carlos Sanchez's invitation.

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On March 2, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

> To: BloggerMBC []
> From: Carlos Sanchez []
> Subject: Carlos Sanchez wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn

> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - Carlos Sanchez

The only way to get access to Carlos Sanchez's professional network on LinkedIn is through the following link:

You can remove yourself from Carlos Sanchez's network at any time.


© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reminder about your invitation from Carlos Sanchez


This is a reminder that on March 2, Carlos Sanchez sent you an invitation to become part of his or her professional network at LinkedIn.

Follow this link to accept Carlos Sanchez's invitation.

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On March 2, Carlos Sanchez wrote:

> To: BloggerMBC []
> From: Carlos Sanchez []
> Subject: Carlos Sanchez wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn

> I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
> - Carlos Sanchez

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Carlos Sanchez wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Carlos Sanchez

Carlos Sanchez
Creator and Executive Producer at SneakGeekz Media
Greater New York City Area

Confirm that you know Carlos

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